Author Archives: ankit

Documentation for FaceBook Feed Plugin – Lite Version

ankit | Dec 22,2014 |   No Comments
Cannot display feedplease check if the Facebook page exists or not.

The Facebook Feed Plugin is extremely simple to use and lets you display feed of any public Facebook Page on your WordPress website.


Here are the steps to display the Feed on your website

1) Install and Activate the Plugin

2) Go to Webriti FaceBook Feed Menu and enter the Facebook Page ID. Refer to the attached screenshot

Settings Screen




3) Insert the shortcode

in to any Page / Post

4) Thats it, the Feed now appears on your website.


We Have a lot of features in pipeline. We will be incorporating them in near future. We welcome user feedback and would love to get suggestions from our users.

We plan to add support for Design and Typography customization, Multiple Feeds, Date Format selection etc in upcoming releases.

Introducing Quality: Beautiful and Responsive Business / Portfolio Theme

ankit | May 7,2014 |   No Comments

At Webriti our aim is to create beautiful theme which will help our customers in building a beautiful online presence.  With this in mind, I feel excited to introduce our Latest creation:


Quality- A Beautiful and Responsive WordPress Theme.


Quality has a beautiful Homepage and comes with 5 predefined Color Schemes.   A unique color scheme and emphasis on Readability makes it ideal for building Business Websites, Corporate Websites and Portfolio Websites.   Here are some Unique Feature:

  • The Header Call Section enables you to showcase contact information to the website visitors.
  • The Home-Page Boasts of Multiple Sections Like Responsive Slider, Services Section Portfolio section etc. All these sections can be easily customized via the Option Panel.
  • Theme comes with Multiple page Templates like About Us Template, Portfolio Template, Blog Template , Contact Page Template Etc.
  • Lots of additional features like Multiple Color Scheme, Typography Customizer, Translation Ready etc.

To know more about the Theme hop on to the Theme Detail Page here. . Have a look at the demo of Quality here. 


Announcing the Premium version of Easy Coming Soon Plugin

ankit | Jan 20,2014 |   one comments

So after 3 months of hard work, we are finally ready to release the premium version of the Easy Coming Soon Plugin.  In this post I will walk you through the features and the benefit of the plugin.

The easy Coming Soon plugin allows you to engage your visitors and capture their email address. The inbuilt Design Options allows you to customize the look without any coding.

Here is a comprehensive list of featuresRead More

Speeding up Webriti with W3 Total Cache

ankit | Dec 2,2013 |   No Comments |

In  our last post, we talked about some techniques for improving the performance of your WordPress website. In this post I will share our experience with speeding up the Webriti. For this experiment we used a WordPress cache plugin for improving the performence. Since we are not a image heavy website (yet), we decided to skip the optimizations related to image handling

I conducted the speed test on two pages. The homepage and the Theme detail page for Spa Salon Theme.

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Styling Options, Custom Fonts , Multiple Page Layouts and more goodness

ankit | Nov 20,2013 |   No Comments

Webriti is one month old today. We launched our first theme exactly 30 days back and have been happy with the reception it got. The best part is that our users are activly using the theme and providing us with feedback and suggestions.  Based on the suggestions we have decided to add new features to our current and future theme. All the features are aimed at proving more control over styling and layout. Here is a short List:

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After releasing 2 premium themes.. Time now to work on our own website

ankit | Nov 11,2013 |   No Comments

In last 30 days we have released two premium themes Spa Salon  and Busiprof.  We got so busy that we did not get any time to work on our own website.  Now that we are back from Diwali holidays all charged up, the time has now come to give a face-lift to Webriti.

Here is what we plan to improve in the coming weeks.

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Creating a Coming Soon Page with WordPress- In under 10 mins

ankit | Jun 20,2011 |   2 comments


Creating a Coming Soon Page in WordPress is super easy. All it take is a free theme and 10 mins. The end result would look like this


Is’nt it beautiful. It also has a countdown timer and a Newsletter Subscription Box. Setting it up is a breeze, just follow the below steps and you will have a functional site in 10 mins.

Install WordPress: Download and install WordPress on your server. It is a pretty straight forward task. If you still want some help with it then check out

Install Placeholder Theme : Once the WordPress is installed, go and download placeholder theme. It is developed by Woothemes and is free to use. A note on Woothemes.. They are an awesome company have some really great themes. Check them out.

Install the Theme Installation is straight forward. Once the installation is done make the following changes

– Insert your own text, It can be done by going to Theme Options->Introduction

– Insert the countdown time. By going to Theme Options->Countdown

– One can also change the background Image by going to Styling Options.

Save the changes and thats it. We now have a see a shiny new Coming Soon Page .. and all that for free .