In last 30 days we have released two premium themes Spa Salon and Busiprof. We got so busy that we did not get any time to work on our own website. Now that we are back from Diwali holidays all charged up, the time has now come to give a face-lift to Webriti.
Here is what we plan to improve in the coming weeks.
1) Improved Blog Section:
Currently the blog section looks well quite ordinary. We are not happy with the alignment of our logo with respect to the blogs content area. I am also not very happy with the font , I guess we will try Proxima Nova and see how it goes with our blog. In future we will add stuff like author bio box and an email subscription form. We might open up Webriti for guest posts in future. The author Box will come in handy at that time.
2) Comprehensive Footer Section:
Currently the footer section is non existent. We will add a new widgetized section which will link to important pages like About Us, FAQ Page, Blog Page etc. The footer area plays a very important role. It basically is address book of your website.
3) About Us Page.
Both of our premium themes have well designed About Pages. Its really ironic that we at webriti dont currently have an About Section. The About Us Page is absolutely essential in building trust in eyes of our visitors. After all nobody wants to do business with a website. People want to conduct business with real people. We understand the importance of the about section and are working on it. It wont be elaborate but it will be sufficient to showcase the team behind this venture.
4) FAQ Page:
A FAQ section is extremely important as it answers a lot of repeatedly asked questions and builds trust in the eyes of our users. We might use a plugin to build the FAQ section or we might build a page template. We still have to take a decision on this. Currently we are writing the content for our FAQ section.
There are lots &lots of tweaks which we need to do on the website. For Example We need to revamp the theme detail page, add a documentation section, improve the site speed, design a more intuitive checkout experience etc etc. All these things are in pipeline and we will start working on them from December onwards. We also plan to release our next theme “Rambo” in December. We will share all the progress right here on our blog.