Monthly Archives:February 2014

How to enable or disable automatic updates in WordPress

Ashwini Sah | Feb 19,2014 |   No Comments |

With the version 3.7, WordPress introduced a new feature called the Automatic updates. This feature allows WordPress to automatically update itself to the minor and security releases. However, by default the automatic updates are not enabled for major releases in order to avoid unexpected compatibility issues with existing themes and plugins.


Disable automatic updates for minor / security releases in WordPress

There could be several reasons you might not like the idea of automatic updates. Some developers often modify core WordPress files, or sometimes you might need to prepare your theme or plugins to make them compatible with the next update. Whatever be the case, switching to manual updates gives you a better control, allowing you to skip some minor updates (although not recommended) or updating as per your convenience.Read More

5 simple ways to customize the WordPress Toolbar

Ashwini Sah | Feb 6,2014 |   4 comments

WordPress Toolbar (formerly admin bar) is a super useful feature provided by WordPress . It     provides one click access to many features and makes managing the blog a whole lot easier. You can access customization options, add a new post, edit an existing post and do a lot more stuff with just one click.

Although the default WordPress toolbar comes with a host of useful features,  you might often feel a need to tweak it to make it more suitable to your requirements . So, here I will share some simple tweaks and customization which you can apply to the Admin Bar

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