Webriti is one month old today. We launched our first theme exactly 30 days back and have been happy with the reception it got. The best part is that our users are activly using the theme and providing us with feedback and suggestions. Based on the suggestions we have decided to add new features to our current and future theme. All the features are aimed at proving more control over styling and layout. Here is a short List:
1) Styling Options
From now all of our themes will come with styling options. This feature will allow you to change the color of elements like Site Title, Link, Link Hover etc without editing the code.
2) Custom Fonts:
The new Option Panel will provide users with an option to enable custom fonts. User will be able to select the font, font-size and font color right from the option panel.
3) Custom CSS Box:
The custom Css Box will allow user to enter on style rules for complete control over site presentation
4) Multiple Page Layouts:
From now on each theme will have multiple page layout ptions for Blog, Pages and Custom Post Types.
5) Author Box
Each Theme will now come with an author box which will automatically pull the information from the USer Profile Description. A user will be able Enable / Disable Author section of Per post basis
I am sure that these feature will make our theme more powerful and flexible for our users. We plan to release our third theme by end of December. We will keep you updated!!