Tag Archives: cmyk

Free Online Tools to convert RGB to CMYK

priyanshu | Feb 7,2012 |   6 comments |

Convert RGB to CMYKFree Online Tools to convert RGB to CMYK

In the last post we discussed about the difference in CMYK and RGB Colorspace. RGB is an additive colorspace and is primarily used to display colors on our monitors and computer screens. CMYK on the other hand is a subtractive colospace and is used to produce colors in the real world. For example our printers use CMYK colospace to print our pictures and photos while our monitors use RGB profile to display the pictures.

Many a times it is a necessary to convert an image from RGB to CMYK colorspace as it gives us an idea of how our image will look after printing.  Here we are listing 5 free and online tools which can be used to convert images from rgb to cmyk and vice versa.

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